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  Trust Registration with IRS is the registration of a trust relationship with the IRS as an agency of the IMF for the purpose of conducting business and asset exchange within the Roman System and the Ucadian System.  
  Ucadia societies and its own superior registration system  
  If you have registered your Trust number, then you already have a superior registration and title. Ideally, with Ucadian societies growing at a community level, you do not need to be registered with inferior societies in order to exchange goods, society currency and support your family, your community and wider communities.  
  Indeed, our sense of need of bank accounts and other "official registrations" are used as a dependency against us because we continue to "hold" them. Our goal is not to support systems that show no sign of honor nor any sign of remedy. But first, there is the need to demonstrate respect for the laws and see if the present Roman system will honor its own laws and permit us to register without controversy. This is the purpose of seeking an EIN.  
  As at February 2011, there have been several hundred genuine applications to lawfully obtain EIN numbers for members as Trustees from the IRS with very few successes. Instead, the IRS has appeared to maintain a stance that complex and ultimately fruitless processes must be followed in order to obtain what essentially is a courtesy recognizing their system.  
  As a result, the remedy of applying for an EIN is no longer considered either a valid nor necessary step as the develoment of Ucadia communities locally is seen as the top priority for all members to consider.  
  Community recognition and treaty  
  In order to conduct any kind of business with the existing Global Roman System of Trade, certain identifiers are required such as EIN numbers. However, due to the complete lack of respect demonstrated by the IRS in members as valid trustees obtaining EIN numbers, it is proposed that such registrations will cease and instead only community recognition and treaties will be sought as the local communities are established.  
  Therefore, please do not attempt to register or seek to register your trust with the IRS as once your community has been recognized as valid under charter, official recognition will be sought under an EIN number.  

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