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  Step by Step Process of issuing an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll to a Court and subsequent dishonors are the steps towards perfecting your competent living status and ensuring the dishonor of any inferior Roman officials associated withe the registrar results in the complete collapse of their authority, any trusts and the endorsement of any sin into money to you as compensation.  
  Step #1 Deed of Restitution  
  + This is the first step, preparing and sending a Deed of Restitution also known as Pronuntio Restitutum ("pronouncement of restitution") which formally annuls any and all claims of guardian, custodian, protector, attorney in law, or parent by the society or agencies of the society.  
  Step #2 Sending an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll (after 7 days of service of step 1)  
  + This is the second step, preparing and sending an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll. The Deed Poll must be strongly glued onto the back of your certified copy of the Birth Certificate.  
  + You must also prepare your Live Borne Record and include it in the package. Use a paperclip to connect the documents together with the Live Borne Record at the back. Do not use staples.  
  + Please ensure you have read Article 133 of the canons of Positive Law and all the sections listed here.  
  Step #3 - Sending a Deed of Ecclesiastical Dishonor (after 7 days of service of step 1)  
  + It is likely that the Bar Association/Society officials to whom you issue an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll will deliberately ignore their own sacred rules by which their whole system operates, unfortunately due to the high levels of incompetence and mental illness amongst legal professionals today. This is the next step in issuing a deed of ecclesiastical dishonor against them.  
  + The Deed of Ecclesiastical Dishonor must be glued onto the back of your Live Borne Record, presented for the second time.  
  Step #4 - Sending an Ecclesiastical Deed of Protest (after 7 days of service of step 3)  
  + While the Deed of Ecclesiastical Dishonor is clear that by their own rules and all foundations of law, the Bar/Bank officials attacking you no longer have any ecclesiastical authority, because of extreme mental illness, incompetence and delinquency of office there is a strong possibility this second deed will also be ignored and dishonored. The next step is to issue an Ecclesiastical Deed of Protest which establishes the most ancient parameters of complete delinquency of the system, the collapse of any trusts and therefore your right to salvage all abandoned property owed to you.  
  + Your Deed of Protest must be strongly glued onto the back of the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll.  
  Step #5- Deed of Final Irrevocable Judgment (after 7 days of service of step 4)  
  + Incredibly, there will actually be Bar/Bank officials, who are so thoroughly delinquent before the law, having no competence and so addicted to madness that a fourth and final deed may still be required to be issued as the fifth and final step. This deed forever collapses the systems rights to recreate any more Cestui Que Vie Trusts against you and re-affirms your right to pursue outstanding property that remains unaccounted following the collapse of all trusts against you in the Roman system.  
  + Your Judgment should be strongly glued onto the back of the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll.  

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