Like the history of all ancient forms of documents and negotiable instruments, the history and customary law behind ecclesiastical deeds is sometimes discounted or outright rejected as such history is often difficult to find and many universities and colleges simply do not teach such history or customs anymore. |
Indeed, this is why many lawyers, prosecutors and even judges throughout the western world no longer have any proficiency in Latin, with some considering it a “dinosaur” of the past at best, or quaint out of date customs with no legal bearing to modern law. |
Thus, just as the modern residents of Rome do not necessarily need to think upon what foundations their homes, offices and buildings are constructed, unless there is some major catastrophe or work, the ancient ruins and superstructure of ancient Pagan Rome, built over two thousand years ago still directly supports the edifice of modern Rome. |
Ordinarily, such inquiry into the history behind the first forms of key documents and negotiable instruments might appear a semi-academic “treasure hunt” with little value to the present function of the court system. Certainly, there has been enough ignorance shown by members of the legal profession and other Roman officials towards ecclesiastical deeds, with some arguing this is because such documents have no relevance to the way the world now works. |
But is this true? Are the way the private courts of the private bar guilds so dramatically different to even two hundred years ago, or even eight hundred years ago that such sacred instruments as ecclesiastical deed polls are mere imitations of form and function, having absolutely no weight in law? |
For example, one of the strongest attacks launched by some members of the private bar guilds against ecclesiastical deeds has been the claim that the courts do not deal in ecclesiastical instruments anymore- that the courts instead deal in form and function of secular civil and criminal law, determined by democratic process, no longer by the “whim” of the church. |
Are such claims as these true? Are the courts so purely civil and criminal that such references to ecclesiastical and spiritual concepts totally outside the scope, jurisdiction or relevance of the “modern” private courts of the private bar guilds? Or is this another example of the continued lies of a class of people dedicated as a fraternity to lying, corruption and parasitic service? |
The answers to such questions are not academic- they go to the heart of whether there is indeed valid historic reason to the design, function and form of ecclesiastical deeds and whether such self congratulatory ignorance by certain members of the private bar guilds is ill founded. |
More importantly, such research that may shed new light on the power, importance and context of the ecclesiastical deeds may also help serve to strengthen the instruments as well as approaches to their careful and limited use. |
To this end, let us begin with the concept of Indulgences. |
The mythology and misinformation of indulgences |
No subject concerning the origin of financial instruments is probably more confusing, deliberately misinformed and difficult to comprehend than the concept of indulgences. Consistent with the deliberate “dumbing down” of education, quite a few people may never have heard of indulgences, while others may only have heard about them through the stories of the foundation of the “reformation” movement by Martin Luther based on his philosophical attack against indulgences. |
Yet even for those relatively well educated on the subject of indulgences to be able to offer an opinion on what they think an indulgence was or is, very few people actually know that indulgences remain alive and well and officially part of the doctrine and laws of the Roman Cult, otherwise known as the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church as BOOK IV FUNCTION OF THE CHURCH (Cann. 834 - 848) > PART I. THE SACRAMENTS > TITLE IV. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (Cann. 959 - 997) > CHAPTER IV. INDULGENCES. |
The claim by many historical texts, academics and web sites that “Indulgences no longer exist” and were a medieval corruption of the church, since “cleaned up” is therefore the first of the great lies associated with Indulgences to be exposed. |
So what is an indulgence? If you look up some reputable dictionaries as well as academic books, you will find a range of conflicting definitions with some claiming it as a kind of “insurance” absolving the sinner of their sins, therefore a kind of “get out of purgatory free” certificate. Other definitions claim indulgences are “a pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory, after the sinner has been granted absolution.” |
Yet none of these definitions adequately explain the theological or even the financial “mechanics” of what is claimed to make indulgences work. Therefore, let us look at what the Canon Law 1983 of the Roman Cult says about indulgences. |
Canon 992 of the Roman Cult canons claim “An indulgence is the remission before God of temporal punishment for sins whose guilt is already forgiven, which a properly disposed member of the Christian faithful gains under certain and defined conditions by the assistance of the Church which as minister of redemption dispenses and applies authoritatively the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints.” |
Unfortunately, because the definition is so technically worded, it is almost impossible to decipher. So let us go through step by step the key elements that make indulgences work starting with the concepts of penance and punishment. |
The concept of Penance and Punishment |
When the Frankish knights re-established law and order throughout Europe from the 8th Century onwards, they heavily promoted a strong Gnostic approach to Christianity blended with military like discipline. One of the key concepts was called “penitus” meaning “honest self examination, to look inside deeply, thoroughly” and is the origin of the concept of the sacred self-confession. The twin concept of self examination at ones faults or was then “purgo/purgare” meaning to “cleanse, purge, clear away, to purify” by acts of deep prayer and meditation, self deprivation, humility, charity. |
The Frankish system did not encourage the kind of sadism and extremism under the Roman Cult later seen when Roman feudalism swept Europe from the 13th century, wiping out most people practicing the original notions of penitus/purgare – especially the revered Cathars of Southern France. |
In its place was introduced a corrupted, perverse and wicked theology based on the notion that an entire temporal existence was one of perpetual penance (from the 13th C Latin poenitentia itself from the Latin phrase poen(a)+it(a)+en+tia(e) meaning “The tiara (Roman Pontiff) thus now controls punishment”) controlled by the Roman Pontiff. Thus penance no longer became an action of self learning, knowledge and honesty, but pain, punishment and subjugation. |
Similarly, purgo/purgare was wholly corrupted from the enlightened ritual of “cleanse, purge, clear away, to purify by acts of deep prayer and meditation, self deprivation, humility, charity” to purgatory from purgo+tormentum meaning “cleaning, purging, purification through torment and torture” – a sick and twisted notion that survives to this day. |
Thus, the world today is a very different place thanks to the perverse notions introduced by the Roman Cult when they consolidated their power and takeover of the Catholic Church in the 13th century whereby they continue to justify their actions as “acts of goodness, love and purification through our torture” and that our lives should be perpetual pain, servitude, punishment, subjugation as “penance”. |
At the same time, the Venetian controlled Roman Cult invented an “off-set” from this world of pain and punishment for our “sins” in the doctrine and belief of the existence of the Treasury of One True Heaven, which is the next piece of the puzzle with indulgences |
The Catholic Doctrine Acknowledging the existence of the Treasury of One True Heaven |
Canon 992 of the Roman Cult is one of several canons that by implication recognizes the existence of the Treasury of One Heaven and therefore Pactum De Singularis Caelum being the Covenant of One Heaven. |
When the idea was first invented at the start of the 13th Century, the Roman Cult and their Venetian allies conceived the idea that in “Heaven” a double entry book keeping transaction took place every time we sinned here on Earth whereby “God” in his infinite grace would offset our sin- being debt- with credits drawn from the Treasury of (One) Heaven. This purely spiritual accounting procedure, strangely mimicking Venetian accounting law, was said to occur automatically without any request for intercession. |
According to Roman Cult theology, the source of the credits in the Treasury of (One) Heaven is the blood sacrificed or spilt by the saints and Jesus Christ in the name of the Divine Creator, thus reinforcing the ancient laws of Leviticus and the ancient laws of the Cult of Mithra that blood was the highest form of currency of the “gods”- from which we get the literal phrase of “blood payment” off-setting any sin – and explanation of the strange line of the Roman Cult canon “of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints.” |
These concepts of the Treasury of (One)Heaven, blood as the highest source of currency and the automatic double entry Venetian book keeping by “god” are fundamental and foundational concepts to indulgences. They set the framework to justify the role and purpose of indulgences. |
Indulgences as the “credit” event against sin (debt) in the temporal world |
While the Roman Cult claims God in his infinite grace draws down from the credits in the Treasury of (One) Heaven to offset our sins (debt) in Heaven, there is no comparable event on Earth without the concept of the “Indulgence” invented by the Roman Cult and their Venetian allies. |
Indulgences are therefore both the ritual that creates the partial or total credit as well as the documentary evidence and title of the event, often called a remit, or “remittance” from Latin re= “property” and mitto/misi = “send, dispatch, transmit, emit, pronounce”. |
Therefore when the Roman Cult Canon 992 states an “indulgence is the remission before God of temporal punishment for sins”, remission/remit are the same thing being the commoditization of both sin (debt) and the forgiveness of sin (credit) in a documentary form of means of exchange. Memorialized Indulgences may also be known by other comparable names such as coupon, bill, note, notice, writ, cheque, receipt, certificate, award, diploma and degree. |
Not only did the Roman Cult gain huge sums through "donations" for the issuance of Indulgences to balance the sins of kings and nobles, but Indulgences themselves introduced for the first time a paper form of currency considered universally stable and holding its own value as a means of exchange. |
The means by which this concept was possible was the fact that the origin of Trust law whereby a grantor (penitant) grants something to a third party (confessor) that can then be used by a third party (beneficiary) - being the memorialization of the ritual. In other words, the people performed the sins, the people performed the penance and punishment, but their lords and kings got to keep the memorialized "paper" of their forgiveness for their sins. |
This is precisely the same system in place today whereby members of western "democracies" work for most of their life under penance and often great suffering, while their "lords" are granted by the Roman Cult to keep the benefits of the indulgences in the form of currency gained from of the "sweat and pain" of the people. |
Indulgences today |
In terms of the ritual of indulgence, all indulgences are considered part of the “sacrament of Penance” involving essentially a five part process. The first being the plea/prayer, the second being the confession, the third being the absolution or sentence, the fourth being the penance or punishment and the optional fifth being documentary proof and title to the ritual performed. |
Similar to the original creation of Indulgences, Roman Cult tightly control their issuance under Canon 995 §1, "only those to whom this power is acknowledged in the law or granted by the Roman Pontiff can bestow indulgences" . Furthermore, 995 §2. "No authority below the Roman Pontiff can entrust the power of granting indulgences to others unless the Apostolic See has given this expressly to the person." |
The way indulgences are handled today is that a very small and ancient guild of notaries, mostly Jesuit trained or controlled called the Scrivener Notaries (founded back in the 14th Century in London) create "original" indulgences. Extracts are then created from the original permitting (extract means salvage) fees for salvage and usury to be charged. These extracts are also commonly known as derivatives. |
Importantly, the documentation of an indulgence does not have to be perfected at the end of the ritual, but in the case of all modern court cases in western law may open at the start of the case with a writ and complete when the judge has signed the sentence and the penance or punishment is accepted by the penitent. |
The same is the case with registering at the earliest opportunity pregnancies through Catholic hospitals backdated to the likely time of conception and the indulgence of “Magnificat”. The Magnificat Indulgence is then completed when the parents “give” the new born baby away by signing the birth record and a drop of the babies blood is sealed onto the birth record. |
In fact almost major life events recorded and documented by western governments against their citizens have associated indulgences associated with any documentation produced such as: |
In articulo mortis - At the Approach of Death |
Obiectorum pietatis usus - Use of sacred objects |
Prima Communio - First Communion |
Visitatio pastoralis - Attendance to a church or oratory (court) where there is a visiting ordinary |
Requiem aeternam- Prayer for the Dead |
Over the centuries, the Roman Cult has produced a huge number of variations on indulgences, with absolute incontrovertible proof that indulgences were also issued for sins not yet committed as the first insurance contracts. Many of the rituals associated with insurance contracts still used today such as those generated by the founders of insurance in London are carefully guarded and hidden. |
However, the role of the Scrivener Notaries and the fact that all valid negotiable instruments used today are not only financial instruments but are indulgences is hidden in plain sight. Scrivener comes from Latin Scribo (Scribe) and Venae (Indulgence). The handful of special notaries located in all major financial centres of the world are literally called "scribes of indulgences" in plain sight. |
Implication of Indulgences and the Ecclesiatical Deeds |
Consistent with 995 §1 of Roman Canon Law, the true Canon Laws of Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum and the Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum recognize the authority and power of authorized officers of the society to issue indulgences equal and greater in authority than the Roman Cult. |
Furthermore, should the Roman Cult or any agent of any western society dishonor any instrument issued by the Treasury of One Heaven, then such a dishonor is the highest disgrace against the entire present global financial system of the western world. |
Therefore, whenever an Ecclesiastical deed is issued or any instrument issued by the Treasury of One heaven in future, it should be accompanied with a Notice of Facts and Interrogatories at least to ensure any intended official is aware of the history. |
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