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  Step 1 - Deed of Restitution Is the issue of a Pronouncement and Deed of Restitution that pronounces your return and dissolves all claims, rights of powers of custodian, protector, keeper, steward, attorney in fact, guardian or any other claimed title as well as the withdrawal of consent since the time of your birth.  
  Pronuntio Restitutum (Pronouncement of Restitution)  
  While the intent of the original Ecclesiastical Deed Poll and the latest version of the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll remains the same, the officials that protect and maintain the Western Roman Legal System continue to demonstrate an obsession in games, especially in the concept of whether we are considered "competent", "adults" and "living".  
  As incredibly absurd as it might be, it appears the obsession of the private bar guild over these fictions continues to blind them to the fact that their continued existence as a body, a profession is doubtful. Indeed, their inability to distinquish law from their fictional world has resulted in great dishonor being brought against valid Ecclesiastical Deed Polls all because of not disssolving these absurd claims of guardianship, attorney in fact, custodianship before issuing the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll.  
  This has now been rectified with the Pronuntio Restitutum aimed directly at the four symbolic leaders of any Roman nation state being:  
  • The Father/Mother (President/Prime Minister) • The Protector/Steward (Secretary/Minister of Treasury) • Attorney In Fact/Trustee (Attorney General) • Custodian/Registrar (Secretary/Minister of Health)  
  It does not matter if these positions match perfectly the five points of control established under claims of Cestui Que Vie such as lost, abandoned, minor, incompetent and filial. Instead, these national positions under "notice to agent is notice to principal" is more than enough to seek remedy.  
  Importantly, when issuing a Pronuntio Restitutum there is no point that requires the recipients' approval, nor does sending the instrument back diminish its effectiveness.  
  Q. What is sent with Pronuntio Restitutum  
  (1) Send your colored photocopy of the Birth certificate (preferably long copy, but if not then short version is fine) with the Pronuntio Restitutum glued to the back. In all other circumstances do not make copies of their birth certificate.  
  (ii) Letter Rogatory, Obsignation and Acceptance sealed by both witnesses  
  (iii) Instruction  
  Pronuntio Restitutum (Pronouncement of Restitution)  
  Note# This Deed, Like all Ecclesiastical Deeds must be on robin-egg blue/sky blue/pastel blue paper. Also please remove brackets once you have updated correct information.  
Pronuntio Restitutum 29Kb
  (i) In Clause 1 replace E:8 Y3209 etc with the Ucadian Time Signature based on time of issue obtained using UCADIA Time Converter. The [Month Day 2011] is the Roman Date for the same time of issue of the pronouncement. IMPORTANT: Do not remove the brackets around the Roman date.  
  (ii) In Clause 1 replace firstname middlename surname with your first name, middle name and surname all in lower case. Do not include the words "Clann" or "Family" or "House of". This is important as the name should reflect your Live Borne Record in lower case.  
  (iii) In Clause 1 replace the example number 123456-123456-123456 with your trust number. You obtain it by following the instructions listed here on Trust Numbers.  
  (iv) In Clause 1 replace Countryname with the name of your country in propercase, Statename with the name of your state/province in propercase, Suburb with suburb or town in propercase and Streetaddress withstreet address in proper case.  
  (v) At the bottom, replace <<Ink Seal of witness 1>> with the ink thumbprint of the 1st witness, including the removal of the brackets.  
  (vi) At the bottom, replace <<Thumb print in red ink>> with the red ink thumbprint of the person sending the pronouncement, including the removal of the brackets.  
  (vii) At the bottom, replace <<Ink Seal of witness 2>> with the ink thumbprint of the 2nd witness, including the removal of the brackets.  
  (viii) At the very bottom, replace the name of the official position with the correct name and the official address for the official national position. Do not include the name of the people holding the position.  
  (ix) At the very bottom, replace the cc list with the other official positions receiving the pronouncement. Do not include the names of the people holding the position.  
  Make sure you seal it with clear plastic so it cannot be directly touched unless someone deliberately removes the clear tape or plastic coating.  
  Letter Rogatory, Obsignation and Acceptance  
  Note# This document, Like all Ecclesiastical documents must be on robin-egg blue/sky blue/pastel blue paper. Also please remove brackets once you have updated correct information.  
Letter Rogatory etc 31Kb
  Note# This document should be on white paper as it is a proof document supporting the other documents.  
Instruction 24Kb
  Instruction replaces the Document of Vital Cognescence (now redundant). Its purpose is to explain the Ucadian documents references back to fundamental law of Western and Roman Law.  
  The purpose of the Instruction document is literally to provide education to public officials, judges, prosecutors and attorneys who are wholly ignorant and incompetent of their own laws so that there can be no excuse later when they say "I did not know".  
  Instead, when a judge, public official dishonors a Ucadian document from then on, it is with the full knowledge they are dishonoring their own rules, their own foundations- therefore openly declaring themselves a heretic against their own system.  
  The Instruction will be ready no later than 1st March 2011.  

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